Building Trust in a Risky DeFi World

Charitas Fund
2 min readApr 17, 2021

Thoughts on expanding trust and transparency as a charitable foundation.

We need to remain conscious of the power of cryptocurrencies in many countries that have experienced severe inflation, dissolution of government or civil wars.

It’s been only week that Charitas exists and we’ve had an amazing time learning from and working with motivated individuals who share our vision.

The greatest part of this venture is allowing people who are passionate about helping the world, and about crypto, work with us towards our vision.

Launching an IDO is increasingly seen as a dangerous or malicious venture. There being too few projects of substance is reminiscent of the 2017 ICO craze. Crypto as a whole has been working diligently to shed that image for years.

In the same way that crypto has built a use case for itself from the ashes of the dark web, so too the use case for DeFi tokens. Evolution at work.

Charitas doesn’t want to be one in a flurry of charity projects. Charitas is THE charity project to look up to because we aim to fund projects and initiatives on our OWN.

What does that mean for holders?

Investing in Charitas means you’ve already contributed to charity giving. But what then?

Since our launch we have given 3300$ to charities chosen by the members on Telegram, and another $4140 will be going out to charities chosen by our partners.

But, giving to large charities isn’t transparent ENOUGH for us. And it doesn’t push the utility cause of crypto (and $CHAR) quite enough.

The Charitas Foundation is our medium-term goal and one that will provide transparency to every step of the supply-chain from tokens raised to smiles created.

Charitas Foundation strives for the betterment of humanity by supplying resources and manpower to causes that need it immediately. Such is the force of crypto that we will leverage the buying power of $CHAR and $BNB to procure good and services for worthy and long-term solutions.

We need to remain conscious of the power of cryptocurrencies in many countries that have experienced severe inflation, dissolution of government or civil wars. Verified transactions and quick-moving, secured assets are a viable solution to the perils and bureaucracy of large charities.

Agile and accurate is our modus operandi and we will not quit until we reach this level. Soon, our voting application in development will help get funding to community supported charities. But in time we will create our own initiatives based on the trends demonstrates by our holders. Initiatives that are both fulfilling and completely transparent from start to finish. This is our ultimate goal. Both, to satisfy our nagging mind, and to strengthen the image of cryptocurrency in the world.

Written by: Steven Le Piane, Founding Partner @ Charitas Fund



Charitas Fund

“Charitas” (the latin root of charity) is a DeFi protocol built with the vision of democratizing charity to encourage transparency, honesty, and effectiveness.